Satisfies Ummet product
needs with “ideas”.
Unmet Product Needs
These are parts and machinery needs
that have yet to be satisfied.
This means that ISEL will search deeply for
customer needs
that currently remain unfulfilled.
A manufacturing group that
satisfiesUnmet Product Needs
and is not afraid of change
ISEL utilizes the intelligence that drives us to take carefully considered
action that is based on knowledge and analysis and is grounded in past
experience as a resource to meet the “Unmet Product Needs” of our
customers, and possesses technologiesthat we use to identify and
derive solutions to potential customer needs.
An innovative excitement that exceeds customers’ imaginations and
makes long-lasting impressions is the very essence of ISEL - a
manufacturing group that produces products which deliver surprise to
the customers.
A manufacturing group that
satisfies Unmet Product Needs
and is not afraid of change
ISEL utilizes the intelligence that drives us to take carefully considered
action that is based on knowledge and analysis and is grounded in past
experience as a resource to meet the “Unmet Product Needs” of our
customers, and possesses technologies that we use to identify and
derive solutions to potential customer needs.
An innovative excitement that exceeds customers’ imaginations and
makes long-lasting impressions is the very essence of ISEL - a
manufacturing group that produces products which deliver surprise to
the customers.
Born from customer needs.
There is "surprise” that can be created from the highly
specialized technologies and experience that we have
developed over many years.The ISEL PREMIUM BRAND was
developed based on past experience, and uses innovative
ideas to turn customer needs into excitement.

Delivering excitement
for a brighter future
Based on innovative ideas and dependable
technologies, ISEL is working to create a
brighter society for the future and contribute to
excitement and growth at customers located
around the world.